HK Disaster

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Less than 24 hours here in Hong Kong and I unsuspectingly find myself stuck in a huge pit hole. The whole Hong Kong situation sucks right now. Training hasn’t even started yet and everything has already turned for the worse. What supposedly was something that at the outset presented itself in the disguise of a very exciting job opportunity turned out to be nothing but a dud (this is how I feel as of the moment). I'm hoping that things can still turn 180 degrees. I don’t want to go in to details anymore. Suffice to say I wasn’t prepared for all these. I don’t know how to feel after all that has happened, after all that has been said and done. As I would like to put it, damage has already been done. What frustrates me even more is that I could’ve prevented all these issues from the very beginning if only I acted differently – okay, if only I acted smarter. Well, we already did some damage control. Our tactics sort of worked but just the same, I don’t think they’ll ever forget the unpleasant “incident.” Frankly, I don’t care anymore. I don’t want to bother myself of having to worry too much about every single detail. I can only do so much. Besides, we’re all entitled to our own opinion. What matters most anyway is being able to perform and produce good results so I’ll just have to work a little harder this time and move on from my mistakes. You live, you learn – it couldn’t get any simpler than that.