Sunday, May 30, 2010

I like the smell of Sampaguita flower. If I'll ever have a garden of my own, I'm surely planting Sampaguitas (and avocados!).

My Super Crush

Monday, May 24, 2010

I have this super crush on Ian Somerhalder (i.e., he plays Damon in TVD). I heart him. I seriously want to meet him. I really wish! As in. Calling on God. I hope you're listening to me right now. Haha. He is my ultimate crush. I don't think I've ever felt this strongly about a celebrity. Okay fine, call it super infatuation. I really am super infatuated. Hmm...I don't think I've ever been a serious/hard core fan of anything or anyone for that matter. Well except now. I might as well sign up as president of his fan club. Lol. 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Just some of the many lessons learned today...

1. Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.
2. Speak without offending, listen without defending.
3. The meanest people are the ones who need the most love.
4. Follow the 3R's - Respect for self. Respect for others. Responsibility for all your actions.
5. There's a thin line between being nice and a pushover or martyr. 
6. There's also a thin line between being strong and a bully or manipulator.
7. Money is not the root of all evil but greed and/or lust for money is. Greed destroys. Money can't buy you happiness. Neither can it buy you proper manners nor can it buy you good character. 
8. Never be afraid to fight for what is just, for what is right. 
9. Character changes everything. Drink up and let the truth come out.
10. Leave the drunkard alone - not unless you want to make a complete fool out of yourself too.

Blue Skies

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wow. I'm super thrilled. I got the results I was hoping for. Phew. Thank God! Positive results for me. Now I'm feeling sort of excited for things to come. It's time to start making things happen. This is my second shot. I can't fumble now. I have no expectations. I just want to make the most out of this new experience. This is it. I hope I do well. Oh yeah, I hope I'll have fun also.

Go Transformers

Monday, May 10, 2010

Crunch time - Gibo or Gordon. Tough choice, right? I went with Gordon down the wire, only because he has more experience and a track record that I can work with. I still believe in Gibo though. I'm praying really hard that either of the two wins. I don't want to sound too idealistic but I'm actually hopeful. I'm hopeful that real change is still possible and that there is still a future for our country. Boy and girls, we actually have a shot at being a progressive country once again with either Gibo or Gordon. Noynoy is all hype. He is just so overrated. He seems like an honest guy but I don't think he has the galing and diskarte to turn this country around. If any, all he has is his parents' legacy. And so, Gordon and Bayani it is. Now let the transformation begin...

As tweeted by Dj Mo Twister,
Friends, if the saying goes: "Everybody roots for the underdog", then let's do that tomorrow. Enough of the popular names, vote the most capable.

Jumpstart Ko

Friday, May 07, 2010

Tomorrow is THE day. I hope I do well. This is it. I have no more tricks left in my bag. As of the moment, this is my one and only shot at jumpstarting change in my life. Change should be good, especially at this time in my life. we go!