Go Transformers

Monday, May 10, 2010

Crunch time - Gibo or Gordon. Tough choice, right? I went with Gordon down the wire, only because he has more experience and a track record that I can work with. I still believe in Gibo though. I'm praying really hard that either of the two wins. I don't want to sound too idealistic but I'm actually hopeful. I'm hopeful that real change is still possible and that there is still a future for our country. Boy and girls, we actually have a shot at being a progressive country once again with either Gibo or Gordon. Noynoy is all hype. He is just so overrated. He seems like an honest guy but I don't think he has the galing and diskarte to turn this country around. If any, all he has is his parents' legacy. And so, Gordon and Bayani it is. Now let the transformation begin...

As tweeted by Dj Mo Twister,
Friends, if the saying goes: "Everybody roots for the underdog", then let's do that tomorrow. Enough of the popular names, vote the most capable.