Super Random Acts of Simple Kindness

Saturday, December 24, 2005

With an "every man for himself" dogma in this super material world dominated by superficiality, super egos and selfishness, I remain optimistic. Yes, I would still like to believe in the existence of simple random acts of kindness whether from people known or unknown, close or distant to me. Often it comes when we least expect it. It comes in the disguise of a small gesture. It certainly is possible to give or help expecting nothing in return and not having to offer any explanation, reason or justification. It's not really about my being too much of an idealist. Rather, it's believing in the potential good that we all innately possess - which, for some of us, may have just been misplaced or lost. I believe that there is such a thing as giving or helping freely simply because we want to - nothing more, nothing less. More than the big and extravagant things, it's those simple random acts of kindess that make us feel good all over and doesn't it make you just want to pay that super good feeling forward for others to experience as well?

Are you feeling Christmas?

Friday, December 23, 2005

Gosh, tomorrow is Christmas Eve already. Sure, ang lamig ng simoy ng hangin but I'm not feeling it yet though. Maybe it's because I've started working already - meaning too preoccupied with work and no more long vacations OR maybe it's because Christmas falls on a weekend this year - meaning shortened (already short) vacations OR I don't know maybe the subtle signs of aging are possibly starting to gradually manifest itself already - meaning I'm becoming more corny and more of a killjoy (yikes!). Just the same with or without the excitement or whatever fuzzy feeling, I still welcome Christmas with open arms. It's that time of the year when I truly feel so blessed and thankful for family and friends and for everything in spite and despite of.

Traffic Resolution 101

Thursday, December 22, 2005

I own a driver's license but I don't drive because my dad doesn't allow me and okay, I admittedly still need to practice. However, from a concerned "passenger's" point of view, here's my two cents worth of unsolicited advice to MMDA's infamous Bayani Fernando. Countless observations have led me to the inference that the culprits to Manila's worsening traffic condition are those traffic enforcers whose purpose is basically to just either stand there, do nothing or serve as street adornments and how could those more often than not almost half-empty humongous buses not catch my ire, oops, my eye was what I meant to say.

(1) In fairness to those blue men in uniform, some of them do serve some purpose. To a certain degree, some of them may have somehow helped in alleviating Manila traffic. However, there are some who are utterly useless and stupid. What I hate most is when they just stand there doing nothing to stop an intersection from getting blocked or clogged just because the stoplight on one side says green. Another thing is their habit of letting all the cars on one side pass first for what seems like eternity and sometimes traffic isn't even that heavy on that side of the road. Geez luiz!

(2) A no loading and unloading regulation should be strictly implemented all throughout Edsa. Those buses just start to boldy queue along Edsa waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting (okay, you get the point) to load passengers as if Edsa was some parking lot or bus terminal. Fyi, Edsa is a freaking highway! The number of buses allowed in Edsa should be limited to not more than what is needed at a given period of time. They should learn a thing or two from the organized bus routes of other countries (e.g. Hong Kong or Singapore).

What frustrates me really is getting stuck in Edsa traffic just to get home. I get stuck in Edsa traffic usually from Makati, all the way to Guadalupe, Edsa Central and Mega Mall only to find out that there usually isn't any traffic going to San Juan or Cubao. Those damn buses!

Here I go again...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I think I have a problem. I think I think too much.

You think?

Yadi Yada Yada

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Sometimes I think too much non-sense. Sheesh.

Who's that Stupid?

Monday, December 05, 2005

I got this text this morning. What a hoax...

Congrats! your celfone# has won! Jackpot prize 2MILLION PAMASKONG HANDOG ng PCSO ELECT DRAW HOMEPARTNER DTI-NCR#0906. 4more info pls call, Mngr: Juan Perez Ds#.

Maybe I just liked the idea of winning that I almost fell for it - probably only for a minute or less but I didn't do anything about it for obvious reasons. It would have been nice though if it was the real deal.

Would you have fallen for it?

The Rainbow Effect

Saturday, December 03, 2005

I saw a rainbow today (while stuck in traffic at the Edsa to San Juan flyover). Rainbows are such a rare sight. According to Science, rainbows are made by light and refraction but I'm not really sure since that was all that I remembered my Grade 7 Science teacher saying. Despite my lack of scientific knowledge, I've always had this fascination with rainbows. There's nothing really grandiose about it but every time I see one, I'm always amazed and awestruck. Really, it never fails to brighten my day and make me put on a huge grin =)))). There's something about rainbows that have an inexplicable effect on me - just WOW.