On Bending Rules

Monday, June 27, 2011

Yeah, yeah...ok fine,  sige na I get it. The higher ups have the advantage - or power - to bend the rules for whatever reason or in most cases, for whatever self-serving purpose. Read: (1) to cover their asses, (2) to save face or (3) to make themselves look good.

I totally get it BUT please do not shoot the messenger especially if he/she was just doing what was asked of him/her. Most importantly, please do not turn the tables and make it look as if the messenger wasn't doing his/her job right. Heller.

Tsk tsk to think, you were supposed to set a good example. It's not a good sign either if the person in charge tries to cover up for the erring person slash "boss". Tsk tsk, it's such a shame, REALLY. To begin with, the rules were very clear. You can't interpret it any differently that what it is already written in fine bold print. And the truth of the matter is, kababawan na nga yung rules eh. If you ask me, it's not even that much of a big deal. Petty is what it is. It is something that should be so easy to do. Geez. I can only imagine what it would be like if you guys were running the friggin' country! Scary.

Occasional bending of the rules is fine, but not at the expense of others. More importantly, should you get caught or be called on it then you should be ready to face the consequences. That's why, it's those people at the top who are still humble enough to owe up to their mistakes - no excuses, no fault-finding, no finger pointing - who I admire the most. It's these people who deserve to be at the top, who should be lauded, and who should be called leaders in the true sense of the word.

No wonder I've heard not so good stories about you. I get it now. You totally do not deserve the corner office. You don't have the credentials, neither do you have the makings of a good leader.

[POST EDIT: 07/05/2011]
"When things go wrong, look at yourself first. Don't instinctively blame others or the circumstances - or use them to cover your behind. Be the leader; stand stall, and take the hit. If you accept the glory, be willing to accept blame." - taken from Donald Trump's Trump 101


Friday, June 24, 2011

I finally got to watch Justin Bieber's Never Say Never. It's official. Hold your breath, hold your breath. I am now a BELIEBER. So much so, I've just finished downloading his albums. Yes, albums as in plural. He has an acoustic version of his 1st album, My World 2.0, just the way I like it - his acoustic version is better, it's not as pop-ish.

I still don't find him cute though. I don't think he's a great singer either. Hmmm I guess just like the rest of his gazillion of fans all over the world, there's just something about him. Cliche as it may sound, he does have a certain charm to him. *Blush* *Blush* Hihihi :P

For me, I think more than anything else, I was very inspired by his story. I've always had a fascination for success stories (i.e., from Google, Facebook, Starbucks et al. to Warren Buffett, THE Donald Trump to Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers or Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad). Justin Bieber's story was simple. No drama. It amazes me how he was able to live his dream and how at such a young age, he has become to be one of the most successful people in the world. I feel inspired.

Sometimes I wonder just how lucky one person can get. I still believe in skills and talent. More so, I believe in attitude and character, but I really believe that luck and timing is very important too, and one which we, unfortunately, have no control of.


Thursday, June 09, 2011

Whoaaa. I think I just had my eureka moment at the office today. It should be more of a good thing though, if you ask me. I don't feel like going into further details...for now. What to do, what to do next?