Sunday, May 23, 2010

Just some of the many lessons learned today...

1. Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.
2. Speak without offending, listen without defending.
3. The meanest people are the ones who need the most love.
4. Follow the 3R's - Respect for self. Respect for others. Responsibility for all your actions.
5. There's a thin line between being nice and a pushover or martyr. 
6. There's also a thin line between being strong and a bully or manipulator.
7. Money is not the root of all evil but greed and/or lust for money is. Greed destroys. Money can't buy you happiness. Neither can it buy you proper manners nor can it buy you good character. 
8. Never be afraid to fight for what is just, for what is right. 
9. Character changes everything. Drink up and let the truth come out.
10. Leave the drunkard alone - not unless you want to make a complete fool out of yourself too.