My Intangible Wish List 2004

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

And for my “intangible” Christmas wish list for the year 2004 (in no particular order)…

1. peace on earth (as always! hehe) and peace of mind! (hahaha)
2. speedy recovery for my mom (She just had an operation.)
3. good health for my loved ones (After my mom’s operation, I realized just how important having good health means. As the saying goes, health is wealth.)
4. free quality education for all (Education is a right, not a privilege.)
5. a discernible direction of what I want to do with my life after graduation
6. a job that I’ll enjoy (I’ll start my job hunting come January.)
7. to keep in touch with friends after graduation
8. to rekindle old/longlost friendships
9. to have better, stronger and more meaningful personal (and/or working) relationships with family, friends and people I've come acrossed with (especially those who have left an "indelible" mark in my life)
10. a cleaner, greener and pollution free Metro Manila (There’s just way too much pollution! I wish they’d plant more trees and flowers around the Metro.)
11. no more corrupt government officials (The money they put into their pockets should instead be used and invested in projects directed towards the alleviation of poverty and the development of the country’s industries.)
12. more job opportunities for all (So that Filipinos won’t have to look for greener pastures elsewhere and to minimize brain drain in the Philippines.)
13. no more power tripping and manipulative 1st world countries
14. IMF/WB cancellation of the debts of the poorest countries – the Philippines included! (Poor countries will never (and can never) pay off existing debt. As an Economics major, I’ve learned from my Economics professors that failure to cancel their debts leaves them in a vicious cycle where they must continually cut domestic spending and borrow more from abroad to meet payments on past debts. Thus, severely limiting the countries' capacity to address the urgent needs of its people.)
14. a better and more competent president of the Philippines (We need a strong and nationalistic leader!)
15. fewer buses in Edsa (From my unofficial assessment, the primary culprit to the traffic in Edsa!) OR maybe there should be scheduled bus stops in strategic points all over the Metro as in the case in other countries.
16. more competent MMDA traffic enforcers (Again, another culprit to the worsening traffic condition! From my assessment, sometimes they’re really just plain stupid.)
17. more trustworthy, dependable and competent policemen (For a safer Philippines! We need peace and order.)
18. cures to incurable diseases (better equipped hospitals as well)
19. medicine and hospital for the poor (I was shocked to see my mom's bills for her 1st two days in the hospital. It's very expensive to get sick. I don’t think the poor can even afford to get sick.)
20. a brighter future for the Philippines (A better Philippines, a better world)
21. joy to the world! =D
22. love!!! =)
23. and the list goes on…


Anonymous said...

hey candice!

ditto to ur wish list.haha i do hope your mum would recover pretty soon. pero i think that an operation for appendicitis would heal up pretty quick. based on my experience. (je had his last year)

so how are you na? working yet? congratulations on your thesis thing. :) kinda late but still. hehe been busy with work and all. ive been trying to rekindle relationships with people as well. and im probably just halfway. with all the work at the office, i just cant find the time, even for myself. :) but im enjoying my work, every bit of it. the pay's really low, as in. BUT i'm learning a lot from it all so im just gonna stick around here muna for a year or two. i still want to study. depends really.

keep me posted on your life. :) we should go out some time. btw, i definitely agree with your #22 on your list.

take care. all the best to ya this new year.
