Golden Rule for the Idiot

Thursday, April 03, 2008

I hate people with huge inflated egos and who act as if they're above everyone else. Hate it.

I hate it even more when they try to advance their personal interests at the expense of others. I perfectly understand that it's a dog eat dog world out there; survival of the fittest, every man for himself. However, I don't think you'd be able to get to the top, let alone anywhere by stepping on other people's toes.

I pity those people who think that the only way to make themselves look good is by making fun of others. I pity them because they must have a hell lot of insecurities. If you, for whatever reason, are either envious of or threatened by someone else then I suggest you go get a life. Don't result to underhanded tricks because as the saying goes, what goes around comes around. You definitely don't want karma to come right back at you, right?

So bottomline is, we should all try to live by the Golden Rule: "Don't do unto others what you don't want other to do unto you." It is after all quite simple and straightforward; well not unless you fall under the category of idiot or stupid - your choice.