Do I Still Get A Chance?

Friday, April 20, 2007

Before anything else, no I'm not a horoscope addict. It just so happened that my horoscope for the past few days has been hitting the bull's eye.

My horoscope for todays says, "Keep your eyes and ears open to all new possibilities, dear Scorpio. Even if it is not your habit to read the "Help Wanted" section of the newspaper, do so today. You may be surprised by what you find there. Your skills apply to all sorts of jobs; you do not need to limit search to only one profession. You have a good mind that happens to be working in overdrive right now. Use it to figure out the correct next steps for your advancement."

True enough, I received an unexpected call from a prospect employer this afternoon. It's not just some company. It's THE company on my wish list. The thing is, I passed on the opportunity for a possible interview. Shit, I think I might have just blown my only chance.

P.S. Is it still okay to call back? I still have the number on my cellphone.


Anonymous said...

go! never too late. malay mu di ba? no harm in calling and asking them if it's still open. GO GO GO!!!