
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Frustrating as it is, I think relationships are harder to keep as we grow older and as priorities start to change. Often, we busy and exhaust ourselves with work and other things that relationships start to take the back seat. I personally feel that it takes tons of effort to keep in touch on a regular basis especially if there's no everyday physical contact. Although communication is made easier with the help of modern technology, for me iba pa rin talaga kapag in person and face-to-face.

Despite the absence of constant and physical communication though, it's good to know that friendships have still remained intact. I honestly miss the good old days when we'd see each other everyday (in school). I miss the times when we'd get to talk to each other anytime or just hang out. I miss the jokes and kalokohans. It's really nice to have the feeling of familiarity and the closeness of their company. It's funny though how the experiences that we share are somehow on a more grown-up level now. It's strange how we've all suddenly grown into these so-called matured adults with a much more different take on life. As the general sentiment of this entry is about rekindling old friendships, the reason being because incidentally for the last two weekends, I met and caught up with a couple of friends from high school and college whom I haven't seen in ages. All were very pleasant dates. If only we could all squeeze in more time together and make this a regular thing and be part of all the changes in each other's lives.