Christmas '11

Monday, December 26, 2011

And just like that...Christmas is over. I still didn't feel the Christmas spirit. As per observation, there are less Christmas decors and lights this year.  The malls and the radio stations are also playing less Christmas songs. Heck, there's no "lamig ng simoy ng hangin!" Or maybe I'm just getting old? Nevertheless, it's such a joy to see all my nieces and nephews having the time of their lives. Their excitement and squeals are more than enough to put a smile on me. It feels so good to see them all very happy and giddy.

This is also the first time in aaaages (almost 10 years) since we last spent Christmas here in Manila. It's funny how most of us are a bit lost on what to do since we haven't quite established any Christmas day and post- traditions here in Manila. I must say though that somehow it was a nice change to be home for Christmas. We had more down time for chilling and relaxing (i.e., do nothing and be lazy haha).

And so after all the festivities and merry making (i.e., lots of eating! oh noes), it's back to the daily grind tomorrow. Unfortunately. 

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope y'all had a good one. ;)