Something funny OR exasperating happened to me this morning. It actually depends on how you'd like to think of it. I'd like to think funny (hehe). I was supposed to drop my sister first at the back of SMART in Valero street. For some reason, I asked the driver to stop upon supposedly seeing the "back" of PBCom Tower. To our surprise, we found a different "back." Yep, I wasn't alone. It's a good thing Pan hitched with me today. It took us a while before we realized that we were at the "back" of GT Tower. To think I'd always wait for my sister at the "back" of PBCom Tower everyday since she usually leaves work later than me. So I must say I literally have a photographic sketch of the "back" of PBCom Tower. I find it strange though to have missed out on the details. First, the nearby parking lot had no shed/roof. Second, Racks was nowhere to be found. Third, there was no building/condominium next door. I really don't know what I was thinking or what came over me (hehe). If there's any consolation, Pan also thought we were at the right "back" otherwise she would have stopped me from going down the car. So there we were scratching our heads in disbelief and in amusement. Maybe we should take more vitamins from now on (hear me sing to the tune of "not enough vitamins, not enough life..." hehe).
As if my day couldn't get any more off-track, I logged on to the office computer only to find out that all the files I worked on yesterday were all gone. You can just imagine how frustrated I was. There goes a whole day of hard work...down the drain. It's a good thing though that I was able to save the files that took the most work to finish in Microsoft Word. What's ironic is, I'd usually "secretly" (hehe Maersk is kind of strict with regards to downloading files and programs) save all the files I worked on in my USB drive so that I can do some work at home. Now you see that I'm very much dedicated to my work (haha). For the first time though, I decided not to save in my USB drive yesterday because I was going to watch my favorite show, The O.C. I missed it though because I went to watch Open Water in Rockwell instead. Can I just first share how much I hated the movie?! It is by far the worst (take note! in the superlative degree hehe) movie of the year. At first, I was thinking how the heck can you make an entire film of two people stuck in the middle of the ocean? The answer is simple - you can't. By the time the movie's ending credits started to roll, I was nauseous! I think I should've taken Bonamine first. Seriously, all the floating and ocean waves made me feel queasy and all woozy.
And on to my day's events...
If you think my woes are over, think again! my day is far from over. As if my day couldn't get any more frustraing, I came home only to find out that my day's work were all gone. To think before I left the office, I made sure to save all the files I worked on in my USB drive. Of course, I've learned a very valuable lesson from yesterday's mistake. I didn't want it to happen again so I safely saved in my USB drive. For some unknown reason, I was able to save only a half of the work I did today. Really, today was hard work. To say the least, I finished a ton of work today - even more than yesterday that's why I feel so utterly frustrated and helpless. I don't know what to do. Hay! A part of me wants to just laugh it off while a part of me wants to cry and scream at the top of my lungs "You've got to be kidding me!" (*Sigh!*). Admittedly though, I was a little careless in saving the files. I was in a hurry to leave the office worried that Clarisse was already waiting for me in the car. She texted na kasi that she's going down na. Apparently, SMART's elevators are very very very slow (hehe). Oh well! If there's any consolation, there's at least something to keep me busy tomorrow (yeah right! as if that's going to make things better).
I couldn't seem to understand why Murphy's Law is always working double-/over-time, whichever way you want to put it, in my life; as if it's always in its highest force/power/influence. For the ignorant...yes, there is such a thing as Murphy's Law. I'm not kidding! Go do Google search and enlighten yourself (wahaha).
In the game of baseball, I've strikedout already but you know the game of my life, I'm far from game over. If any, I've become even more optimistic and I'd like to think tougher. I'm actually trying to perfect the saying, "Patience is a virtue." It is a virtue indeed. I'm learning. I'm coping. I'm keeping the faith. You'd be amazed how much patience can do to your life. From experience, having even the slightest bit of patience can go a looooooooooooooooooong way. So have patience (and a little bit of humor wouldn't hurt too). Believe me, it will do your life a whole lot of good as it did mine. Even after all that has happened to me today, I still have the heart to laugh about it. ;)
P.S. I'm working with Microsoft FP and as I've mentioned before, it's a first for me and obviously, I can't really seem to figure it out yet.
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