Hope Floats

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Just when I was expecting for the worse, a plesant surprise came along. I came to work with my mind already set that I was going to redo everything that I've worked on yesterday. I came to work prepared that the files that I worked so hard on are already gone with the wind (hehe) just as it made a disappearing act in my USB drive (hehe). Sorry to be very corny but if things go wrong, sometimes it really helps to just use whatever sense of humor that you have left. "Life is like a mirror. If you frown at it, it frowns back. If you smile, it returns the greeting." I've read this somewhere and somehow it just sticked. It makes a lot of sense to me too. Nevertheless, I still tried to check at the office computer drive since I had nothing to lose anyway. As if the impossible happened, to my disbelief (and delight!), all the files were intact. Last night, I actually gave up on the idea that the files could still be in the office computer. How could it be when my USB drive didn't have the files that I directly copied from the entire folder in the office? Nonetheless before I went to bed, I still prayed to St. Therese hoping for a very small miracle to happen. I wasn't really expecting anymore. If any, I was expecting for the worse. I've moved on from yesterday's unfortunate events and I was prepared to patiently finish everything today. Indeed, life has its own way of making us smile - especially at times when we want to give up and lose hope but certain surprises come your way when you least expect it so don't give up and throw in the towel just yet. You need to have that Never Say Die attitude so as to survive life with all its tribulations and unpredictability. Hard as it is but never impossible.