Saturday, October 02, 2004
If there's anything that I've learned in this past few days, it's learning how to block and filter all the negative energy and channeling it to something more positive and productive. You'd be surprised to actually find more peace within yourself. This world that we live in has so much good to give and yet here we are living in so much pessimism. It's such a pity that our lives are surrounded by so much anger, hatred, bitterness, jealousy, and the list goes on. Whether consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or unintentionally, some people just have the knack of putting you down and sometimes even, they try a little too hard. Why not bring the best out of each other? I believe that if you don't have anything nice to say to a person then just keep it to yourself. Believe me, it would do you good even more to just shut up. There's also times when people blame you for something you didn't do but no matter how much explaining you do, they can't seem to understand you. It's as if no matter how much good you do or how much you've achieved or how much you've tried, you're forever tainted in their eyes. It always feels as if your best was never good enough. Sometimes, there's no use or point to explain myself anymore. In fact, I don't want to prove myself anymore to anybody. It's so hard to please others all the time. I've come to accept the fact that you can't please everyone. All the negative vibes won't do you any good and you can't always get yourself affected by all the pessimism. If you'll always let others put you down then you'll forever be stuck in a rut. Absolute peace may forever remain an idealism most especially in this times of ours but you know what, simple as it may sound, learning to accept and understand is one step towards finding some sort of inner peace. Whenever circumstances are against you or if you're stuck in a rut, I believe the best way out of it is to pick up the pieces and move on to better and more positive things. For as long as you're happy and you're not stepping on anybody's toes then you're okay.
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