Super Random Acts of Simple Kindness
Posted by Candice at 11:27 AM 0 comments
Are you feeling Christmas?
Friday, December 23, 2005
Posted by Candice at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Traffic Resolution 101
Thursday, December 22, 2005
(1) In fairness to those blue men in uniform, some of them do serve some purpose. To a certain degree, some of them may have somehow helped in alleviating Manila traffic. However, there are some who are utterly useless and stupid. What I hate most is when they just stand there doing nothing to stop an intersection from getting blocked or clogged just because the stoplight on one side says green. Another thing is their habit of letting all the cars on one side pass first for what seems like eternity and sometimes traffic isn't even that heavy on that side of the road. Geez luiz!
(2) A no loading and unloading regulation should be strictly implemented all throughout Edsa. Those buses just start to boldy queue along Edsa waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting (okay, you get the point) to load passengers as if Edsa was some parking lot or bus terminal. Fyi, Edsa is a freaking highway! The number of buses allowed in Edsa should be limited to not more than what is needed at a given period of time. They should learn a thing or two from the organized bus routes of other countries (e.g. Hong Kong or Singapore).
What frustrates me really is getting stuck in Edsa traffic just to get home. I get stuck in Edsa traffic usually from Makati, all the way to Guadalupe, Edsa Central and Mega Mall only to find out that there usually isn't any traffic going to San Juan or Cubao. Those damn buses!
Posted by Candice at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Here I go again...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
I think I have a problem. I think I think too much.
You think?
Posted by Candice at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Yadi Yada Yada
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Posted by Candice at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Who's that Stupid?
Monday, December 05, 2005
Congrats! your celfone# has won! Jackpot prize 2MILLION PAMASKONG HANDOG ng PCSO ELECT DRAW HOMEPARTNER DTI-NCR#0906. 4more info pls call, Mngr: Juan Perez Ds#.
Maybe I just liked the idea of winning that I almost fell for it - probably only for a minute or less but I didn't do anything about it for obvious reasons. It would have been nice though if it was the real deal.
Would you have fallen for it?
Posted by Candice at 9:28 PM 0 comments
The Rainbow Effect
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Posted by Candice at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Posted by Candice at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 28, 2005
Posted by Candice at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 30, 2005
There are no accidents in God's plan. Everything happens for a reason.
Posted by Candice at 11:41 PM 0 comments
DLSU's Show Time
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Posted by Candice at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Saturday Sweat
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Posted by Candice at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Wishful Thinking
Saturday, September 17, 2005
If only we had longer weekends...
and shorter working hours...
Posted by Candice at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Posted by Candice at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 12, 2005
Posted by Candice at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Hasta la Vista
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Posted by Candice at 11:27 PM 2 comments
Hot Bulalo Soup
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Posted by Candice at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Home Stretch
Friday, July 22, 2005
Posted by Candice at 11:58 PM 0 comments
Say What?
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Posted by Candice at 8:33 PM 0 comments
I want to be...
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Posted by Candice at 5:59 PM 2 comments
Color Me Blue
Friday, July 08, 2005
Posted by Candice at 11:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Posted by Candice at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Que Sara Sara
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
- Ralph Waldo Emerson -
Posted by Candice at 10:14 PM 1 comments
Pre-Project Jitters
Monday, June 20, 2005
Posted by Candice at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 17, 2005
Posted by Candice at 11:51 PM 1 comments
Working My Way
Saturday, June 11, 2005
According to our syllabus, the objective of the CFG Analytics MA Training Program (a.k.a. Camp David) is to train and develop a batch of talented, ambitious and analytics-oriented analysts to help further transform AIG CFG into an information-driven and analytical decision making organization.
Upon completion of training, we are expected to take on the role of Consumer Finance Analysts – able to analyze potential risks, formulate quantitative approaches and recommendations to solve business challenges, monitor systems and tools for portfolio performance analysis such as to comprehend very concrete technical and business knowledge, from profit and risk dynamics to in-depth portfolio performance analysis, from credit score fundamentals to technique of developing customer segmentation through use of data mining algorithm, about unsecured and secured consumer finance products, etc.
For someone who has never really liked mathematics or pretty much anything quantitative based, I wonder how on earth I ended up with this job. I almost didn’t take this job though because I knew that it was going to deal with a whole lot of “numbers” and I wasn’t so sure if it was something that I wanted to “force” or get myself into. However, I was just too overwhelmed by everything that came with the job offer so I sweet talked my way in the interviews. And after three months worth of training, I find myself wanting to give up. There are days when I really feel like quitting. Everyday is a hurdle. Everything is a challenge to me now. Is this what work is supposed to be like? I mean Hong Kong and the people I work with are all good but work in itself is just frustratingly hard. Perhaps I’m not as ambitious as I thought I was. I’ve always dreamed big but maybe I’m just not cut out for this. Or perhaps this is something that I have to do in the meantime to make me change for the better and potentially achieve something greater. And sometimes taking the easy way out isn’t exactly going to take us anywhere so inspite of everything, I took the road less traveled and maybe it will make all the difference.
Posted by Candice at 12:43 AM 0 comments
1 x 7
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Posted by Candice at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Seductively Slim
Friday, June 03, 2005
Posted by Candice at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 20, 2005
On weekends...
I get to wake up a little later than usual and stay in bed for as long as I want. Well actually only long enough until it's time for the housekeeping lady to clean my room.
I get to do my groceries. I have to replenish and stock up on a week's worth of food. And I don't know why but I just enjoy my time in groceries.
I get to go to the malls and do a little shopping. Aaaah...therapeutic.
I get to catch up on my favorite TV shows. Marathons of The O.C., Desperate Housewives and 24 season 4 are my numero uno stress-relievers. Local TV also has Survivor and The Apprentice 3 on every Saturday.
I get to go watch movies. I don't get to watch as much anymore as when I was back home. Most people here don't watch as much movie as we do in Manila. Aside from having limited movies to choose from and movie tickets being more expensive, coming attraction movies are shown a month or a few weeks later as compared to the now showing movies in Manila. Since my colleagues aren't really regular moviegoers and being the huge movie buff that I am, I couldn't resist and pass on whatever may seem like a good movie to me at the moment. So inspite of having some hesistations, one fine day I went ahead and decided to just go watch by my lonesome self. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad and scary at all. I actually even enjoyed myself. So far, I've only watched The Pacifier, Miss Congeniality and The Interpreter that's because there aren't any new English movies to choose from here.
You see, I make it a point to find simple ways and means to unwind and amuse myself regardless of whether in the company of others or of myself. Nothing really fancy. No need for big happenings or whatever event. Weekends should be refreshing. I personally believe that we should strive to work hard but we should not forget to play hard as well. We owe it to ourselves. Thank God it's Friday!
Have a nice weekend y’all. I know I will.
Posted by Candice at 11:58 PM 2 comments
Mind over Matter
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Maybe it's because my family who's just visiting over the long weekend (FYI: Monday was a holiday here in Hong Kong) was already leaving for Manila. But what I couldn't understand is, it has already been my 3rd visit from family and so far, I never actually cried. Maybe homesickness is starting to set in. I really don't know. Maybe it's because I'm going to miss eating really really good meals (hahaha). The past few days that they've been here, I think I ate way too much. No complaints though (hehe sarap kasi! and it's good food).
Maybe it's because of the pressures of work. I'm having some difficulty in absorbing every new information. Work is hard as it is already and what makes it even harder is having to work with people who are already several steps higher than you. No matter how hard I try to convince and push myself, I couldn't match their years of experience. Coincidentally, we were given an assignment the other day that was due this morning. I was sort of struggling to create my program and felt so lost. But what I couldn't understand is, I've had even tougher assignments and somehow I was able to surprisingly hurdle all of it in the end. Maybe pent up frustrations are starting to pour in. I really don't know.
Maybe it's because of hormonal effects. Maybe I'm just PMS-ing. I'm not so sure either.
Maybe there are other subconscious reasons unknown to me. Who knows?
Whatever the reason, I'm okay now. I'm going back to my two-and-a-half-month old routine again. And yes, I'm trying to get my so-called groove back again. I guess it's just putting mind over matter.
Posted by Candice at 11:58 PM 3 comments
The HK Experience
Thursday, May 05, 2005
I could hardly believe that a good whole 2 months have already gone by since I left Manila. Sigh, time flies. I’m immersing myself with the new culture around me – work, the environment, the people, and independent life. Within only a span of 2 months, so many things have already happened – a fair mix of good and bad experiences. Either way, valuable lessons have been learned and taken well to heart whether with regards to work, people, myself and life in general.
Needless to say, I’m taking pleasure in this so called temporary change. I needed this change. As a matter of fact, it has been long overdue. I think there’s no better time than now. However, change can sometimes be a pain in the butt especially when we lose the comfort and sense of familiarity. It can be difficult. Sometimes it feels as if we’re starting from scratch again. It can be risky as well. There’s the risk of not knowing what's ahead and of creating a negative chain reaction. It can also be frustrating. We fumble and find our way. We try to fine-tune every little thing and a whole lot of adjustments have to be made accordingly. But one way or the other, change can be healthy. It can do us good depending upon the attitude we have towards it. Change can actually make us stronger, wiser and better persons. And here I am now, somehow changed by this whole Hong Kong experience in more ways than I’ve ever imagined.
Posted by Candice at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Yehey! Day
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Today and tomorrow, our topic will be on Project Management which is something my field of interests covers. At least, I wouldn't have to worry for the next two days. I'm rest assured that it's something that I wouldn't fret over. I can take a breather in the meantime. It feels more like a two day break or an extension of our May 2 holiday.
I got to thinking last Friday night or as I would like to refer to as my so called Eureka moment. From being undecisive and not knowing what I really want to do for work, I think I know now. Yes, only after an hour of watching the very late second season rerun of The Apprentice. I want to try to be in something that's sort of in the same line of work. I want the kind of work that Donald Trump makes his "apprentices" do. Looks fun and challenging. It's something that I think I'll enjoy to some extent.
Another Yehey! moment...I finally have internet in my room (with the help of Ta and Brian - thank you!). It's such a hassle to go down the lobby everytime and my laptop's battery going empty all the time. And what's even better is, I get to pay only half the price! It's a bargain. Ahh...wi-fi is one of man's greatest inventions. Okay fine, maybe I'm exagerrating.
So...yehey! yehey! yehey! I hope this Yehey! moment of mine will last long...
I know what you're thinking...
Pure kababawan.
No matter how babaw, if it makes me happy...
Why not?
Coconut? =P
Posted by Candice at 10:45 PM 1 comments
Moving Day
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Transferring to our own apartments/rooms is kind of exciting while at the same time, it makes kind of hesitant as well. Excited because I get to have my own place and do my own thing and hesitant, because I sort of get scared easily (hehe). Okay fine, I’m a scaredy cat. Thank you very much to my overactive imagination! So from this day onwards, I’m officially on my own. Well, only at least for the next 3 months. Nothing really permanent. Nevertheless, I'm learning to live the independent life. It certainly has its ups and downs. But I have to savor the moment while it lasts. So here's to my so called temporary independence! (hehe)
Posted by Candice at 4:50 PM 0 comments
All in a Day's Work
Friday, April 22, 2005
As the culmination of two weeks of SAS programming sessions, we were given individual projects. Programming is something that I’ve never imagined learning and doing. It’s not exactly in my list of interests and it most certainly is not in my field of expertise. The lectures are fast-paced as if having the presumption that we all had some sort of background on programming already. Well, unlike my fellow MAs who have some sort of prior knowledge on the subject matter, I never had any background whatsoever so it was difficult for me to catch up and absorb as much information all at the same time. It’s even harder since I’m not as familiar yet with the ins and outs of the credit card business so I’m lost when it comes to having to formulate my own analysis framework for my program. I mean I’m barely out of school and here I am with a high pressure job where the circumstances are very different from the usual or from what one would normally expect from a fresh graduate. For someone like me who’s so laidback and uncompetitive by nature, I don’t like to be in an environment where there’s just too much stress and pressure of having to be the best and in full battle gear all the time. At the end of the day, you get so worked out and no matter how worn out you feel, you still get that feeling of dissatisfaction with everything that you've accomplished and worked so hard for.
Posted by Candice at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Sticky Set-up
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
The typical situation would have been first getting to know each other in the hopes of getting pass the so called awkward stage and moving on to a blossoming friendship. Finding some common ground is where it initially starts. However, we can't expect budding friendships and/or relationships all the time with every person who crosses our paths. Some acquaintances remain nothing more than what they are. However, sometimes it takes a longer period of time for fate to play out and in some special cases or instances, all it takes are second chances.
The atypical situation is when you're forced to live with some person who you barely know. Imagine not just sharing an apartment or having to share a bathroom but think worse case scenario - having to sleep in just one bed (yikees!) and the situation worsens as personalities start to "silently" clash. As if having entirely opposite personalities isn't bad enough, it couldn't get any better as you begin to discover that the other person have some really weird habits and annoying traits. I'm not ruling out the possibility though that the other person may think and feel negatively towards me too. I suppose she may have some hidden disliking towards me but the truth of the matter is, I don't really care. We surprisingly get along just fine but I don’t think our so called friendship can withstand the test of time – I’m referring to my patience that is. I actually have nothing against the other person. Although the other person is usually nice and occasionally chatty and we’re more than okay, but the problem is as simple as having two very different personalities and having to force yourself to get along perfectly well with that person day in and day out and forge what will supposedly be termed as a non-friction/smooth-sailing relationship. In all fairness though, it's not all bad. We have some good days too. Who knows we might end up being good colleagues after all and overcome our differences as fate would have it. In the meantime though, I have to suck it up and deal with the situation in the best possible way that I can. Real tough luck but whoever said it was going to be easy anyway?
Posted by Candice at 12:52 AM 0 comments
Allergic Reaction
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Posted by Candice at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Self Worth
Monday, March 21, 2005
Posted by Candice at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Little Packages
Friday, March 11, 2005
AXN. I was so delighted that our hotel/apartment has just added AXN – finally a channel that I can relate to. Back home, I’m not much of an AXN fan. I only watch it primarily because of Amazing Race and occasionally whenever I feel like watching Fear Factor or CSI. However, given the circumstances I’m in right now, I consider AXN as the “it” channel for now (haha). Ever since I got here, my TV was always tuned in to CNN. That’s why I can safely say that I’m now well-versed with the world’s events (haha). Coming here to Hong Kong, I was bummed out that I wouldn’t be able to follow the new seasons of Amazing Race, American Idol and Survivor. So I’m so happy now that I’ll get to watch Amazing Race. I’m hoping they’ll also add Star World. After all, I think it has Hong Kong as its headquarters in Asia. Jane, a friend of my sister who’s based here in Hong Kong, also told me that Star World is a staple on Hong Kong TV with or without cable. So how come my TV doesn’t have Star World? Hong Kong cable TV sucks.
Free Wi-Fi. I could actually apply for unlimited Broadband Internet Access in my apartment for 450 HK a month. Jane said that her internet costs only 100 HK a month. It’s so cheap and is as fast as having DSL (100 mbps). As important it is for me to have internet access, I thought it was best not to apply first just in case I might transfer to another single apartment within the month. However, I was so delighted to find out that our hotel/apartment lobby offers free wi-fi. So here I am now…blogging! (heehee!). Now I get to communicate with the outside world and find some sort of amusement for myself here (hehe). I can now check my mails, surf the net and download my favorite TV shows and songs. But since they don’t have power outlets here in the lobby, I have to depend on my laptop’s battery all the time.
My Ipod. It’s a good thing I decided to bring it here. It entertains me whenever I feel really bored or whenever I couldn’t sleep.
For some, these may be just really shallow things but if there’s anything that I’ve learned here after a few days of being by my lonesome self, it’s that as soon as you’re out of your comfort zone, you’ll really learn to truly appreciate even the smallest, silliest and shallowest of things. I've now definitely learned to open and appreciate the little packages that come my way. I'm even surprised to actually find myself smiling over it.
Posted by Candice at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Another Yikes!
Posted by Candice at 7:28 PM 0 comments
On My Own
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Posted by Candice at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 07, 2005
After the training, we (there’s also another Filipino girl who also missed the first 2 weeks of the training) were asked to see the regional HR head for our initial meeting. She initially asked us how we were doing and basically moved on to indirectly scolding us about the “unpleasant incident.” She was actually very discreet and subtle but I can tell that she was very disappointed and unhappy. This was definitely not the first job impression that I wanted to create. In all fairness, she gave me the chance to explain my side but in the end, she couldn’t really understand where I’m coming from so I just politely said my apologies just to appease her. Once again, it’s quite obvious that today wasn’t a good day. It wasn’t as bad as yesterday but just the same, it was still bad. What am I getting myself into?
Posted by Candice at 8:21 PM 0 comments
HK Disaster
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Posted by Candice at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Money Talks
Monday, February 21, 2005
* Off-topic: Good news is I found my driver’s license na! I've been praying to St. Anthony ever since. He never fails me talaga. Yahoo! =)
Posted by Candice at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 18, 2005
Did I hit the jackpot this time? I certainly hope so.
Posted by Candice at 5:49 PM 0 comments
One More Try
Thursday, February 17, 2005
I received a call this morning and I was scheduled for another interview early this afternoon with their MIS person. Yes, the one person who supposedly can and will technically determine once and for all whether or not this job is for me. In short, the fate of my future lies in her hands. You see, they still have some hesitation because I mentioned from my previous interviews that I’m really not the numbers/quantitative type of person. At least I was honest about it. What's important is I’m always willing to learn and very persistent at that! ;)
At one point in the interview, I was asked to analyze the given graph and table on the spot. I was literally petrified but of course I still had to stay cool like as if it was no big deal to me (hehe). It's a good thing though I’m usually calm under pressure. Phew! I’m so relieved I was able to pull that one off (now I ought to give myself a well-deserved pat on the back heehee!). From the interview, it turns out that I had the wrong job description in mind. It turned out that, aside from the analytics and whole numbers thing, the job will involve a lot of programming which by the way I have no background on (not even the basics!). The analysis part I think I can deal with especially with more practice but the programming part….I really don’t know. But with proper training, I'm pretty sure some way some how I can deal with it naman din. However, I’m not so sure if it’s exactly what I want to do for the next 2 years or so. It's a matter of whether or not it really interests me. I feel confused right now. I think the 5 months training in Hong Kong under the tutelage of a Yale doctorate makes the job a whole lot more attractive and makes it a little too good to pass. More so I get to further advance my education and the new environment is a fresh change. I think we'll also be given a sizeable amount for our allowance which is a plus. Really…I don’t know what to do. I’ve always been hard working in school so the learning aspect is not that much of a problem. What concerns me right now is whether or not I’ll be happy with the job in the long run. *(3:50 pm)
During dinner, I got a call again. I have another interview tomorrow. Supposedly it’s to finalize things daw. So what's the state of my mind right now? My mind’s clearer now after talking to my dad. I feel more encouraged. I feel surer now. I’ve decided to take the job if and when I will be accepted. Maybe it’s about time for me to undertake changes in my life. I’ve always wanted some change anyway. I think I need it. So now that opportunity has already presented itself, why not take it? Perhaps change will even be good for me. Wish me luck.
Posted by Candice at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Posted by Candice at 5:36 PM 0 comments
In the Pressure Cooker
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Posted by Candice at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Post Graduation Thoughts
Monday, February 14, 2005
Partners in Crime: Mae, Me, Anne, Pan (DLSU Graduation in PICC)
In all our glory (hehe): Tin, Joj, Pan, Ga, Me, Anne, Kathy, Mae
Posted by Candice at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Zip It!
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Posted by Candice at 7:11 PM 0 comments
My First Job Interview
Monday, January 10, 2005
Posted by Candice at 10:11 PM 0 comments
Where's My Driver's License?
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Posted by Candice at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Selling the Drama
Friday, January 07, 2005
Posted by Candice at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Healthier Options
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Posted by Candice at 11:31 PM 0 comments