Sunday, September 04, 2005
We believe what we want to believe. We think what we want to think. We refuse to listen. We stubbornly disregard what others have to say about us - most especially if it's something 'negative.' For me, it's a matter of filtering out the constructive criticisms from the destructive ones and figuring out how to use it to my advantage. The truth does hurt but sometimes we need to hear it straight out from others to whack us real hard in the head - enough to wake us up from our distorted illusion of reality. Sometimes we feign confidence in the hopes of measuring up to standards set or (should I say) imposed by society and of wanting to create a good impression. We hide our flaws, imperfections and insecurities under the disguise of false confidence and coolness. We reassure and comfort ourselves of our version of the truth to convince ourselves that we're doing more than okay. Perhaps we avoid the truth for fear of not being good enough or for fear of disrupting the status quo or whatever harmonious balances that may exist. We live in half-truths thinking that it will make everything seem better and cause us to feel and look good under the scrutinizing eyes of people we come across with. But the truth always has a way of haunting us until the bitter end or at least until it starts creeping out in the open. So really it's only a matter of acceptance. Accepting ourselves for who we really are and accepting the truth for what it really is - no matter how beautiful or ugly.
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