Zip It!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

As rational (and intellectual – I hope!) human beings, we always have a point to make whether pertaining to relevant or trivial matters. It’s good that we all have our own opinions and thoughts to share. The dilemma though lies in our stubbornness and inflated egos. I really don't see myself as the confrontational type. More often than not, I'd be subtle and indirect unless it reaches a point that it becomes too much to bear or handle already. I’m usually the type who would calmly reason my way out of an issue or subject matter that I feel strongly about. However, it seems to me that sometimes it’s best to just hold my piece; that is, to keep my mouth shut lest of getting myself into deep shit and more trouble. Why not simply save myself the time and energy for more productive matters rather than waste it all to futile arguments and debates? I’m sick and tired of endless arguments and bickering that fall into deaf ears and “closed minds.” It’s quite exhausting to continuously argue and debate about the same old issue or subject matter that seemingly drags on and on without any resolution. It frustrates me to see persons who so stubbornly refuse to keep an open mind or the least, listen. If only cooler heads prevail then we could all understand each other a whole lot more and find a better way to compromise. Sometimes I see no point of reasoning and arguing anymore since it would only lead to bitter fights and bigger misunderstandings. Therefore, I deem it best to keep my mouth shut for as long as I can take it and for as long my patience can stretch the extra mile.