Friday, September 17, 2004
Today's plan: to have lunch with friends in Rockwell at 12:30 pm. I woke up a little before 10 am. giving myself just enough time to change and prepare. I dropped my sister first in Ateneo before going to Pan's house. Traffic was really bad today in Katipunan. My sister was even late for her 11:30 am class. I was supposed to be at Pan's house by 12 pm to pick her up but ended up late as well. We then met up with some friends for lunch at Rockwell. We all couldn't decide where to eat. After much debating, we ended up at Crustasia (did I spell that right?). I wasn't really hungry though. I probably ate too much steak the night before. After lunch and after much debating (again!), we all agreed to watch Feng Shui. Everyone wanted to sit in the middle. It's a good thing though that I got (more like secured! hehe) myself a seat in the middle. I'm such a scaredy cat (hehe!). I missed out on most parts especially the scary parts because I had my eyes covered all throughout the film. If I hadn't, I surely wouldn't be able to sleep tonight and worse, my "wild" imagination will scare the hell out of me for the entire week or so. Honestly, I didn't have the guts to watch the scary parts - fyi, that's where the ghosts and weird-looking creatures start popping up and scaring the sh*t out of you. Pan and Grace were screaming their hearts out, that's how scary the movie was! It was actually quite stressful to watch the movie (hehe!). If only given the choice, I would have chosen to watch The Notebook, The Terminal or 13 Going on 30. I was never a fan of horror films to begin with. Unfortunately, everyone else has already watched The Notebook (except for me and Grace). We also couldn't watch The Terminal because Kathy already saw it. Since the only movie that was about to start that time was Feng Shui, we had no other choice but to watch it. For a Filipino film though, I must say it was pretty good. If you want a good scare then I suggest you watch this movie, and if you're a brave soul, watch it at night! It's even scarier than Godsend. Meanwhile, a small but good part of the day to be happy about was when Pan told me that Maersk Filipinas finally called. For the past few days, I have been praying really hard for this. It's quite amazing how God works in mysterious ways. Believe me, prayers do get answered. According to Maersk, we're supposed to have our training at 1 pm. on Monday. If everything will go as planned, we'll now officially have our OJT at Maersk. I'm hoping that this time around, I won't have a boo-boo and everything will turn out the way they should be (just perfect! hehe). Although, I just can't seem to explain why but somehow, there's always a blooper waiting to happen, as what usually happens in my case. Oh well, bloopers are probably the ones that make this "serious" life lighter and a little funnier (well, that's one way of looking at it!). We waited for our "sundo" in Seattle's Best. Yes! this is the perfect way to end the day, with my favorite Javanilla Shake! (hehe! babaw ko! But Valerie can relate with me on this one). So, this pretty much sums everything up today. An ordinary Friday as it may seem, nothing really new and exciting but nonetheless, thank God it's Friday well spent in the company of good friends.
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