Saturday, September 11, 2004
I woke up in a pretty good mood today. Aside from having a good night's sleep (that's 11 hours worth of R&R to be really precise about it), I am looking forward to watching the UAAP game live later at the Araneta Coliseum. For the benefit of the confused, I am talking about the very much anticipated game between the Blue Eagles and the Green (?) Tamaraws (hey...technically, they're green; no pun intended!). Half-awake, semi-conscious and all, I forced myself to get up. Yes, oversleeping can be bad for your health (you should know that by now!). Anything in excess or less is not good, if you know what I mean. As you can see, I am taking the "Everything in Moderation" words of wisdom to heart. Well, not really as in seriously/strictly/religously (whichever way you want it) but at least you can say that the BIG E (E-ffort!) is there. I always believe that there's nothing like giving it your best shot even if there is potential risk of failure. So I got out of bed and hopped on to the shower, watched some TV and ate breakfast (more like brunch already) in UCC with my mom and shobe. Eating at UCC (especially breakfasts!) is always a pleasure for me. It's one of those simple pleasures that you can't seem to explain why but nonetheless, it makes you happy - not euphoric happy though but more like simple happy, which I value even more. For me, believe it or not, but it's the little things in life that get to me. Call me a sucker! I'm guilty as charged most especially for simple, little and random gestures or acts (of kindness, thoughtfulness or what-have-you). After brunch, since our driver was able to buy us upper A tickets only and to think, he fell in line really early last Monday, we (that's me and my sisters) all agreed to go to Araneta earlier hoping to save ourselves good seats. True enough, we were early. Yup, early enough to catch the opening tip between the Blue Falcons and Yellow Tigers (again, no pun intended!) but not very early enough to score good seats. Clearly, we were'nt the only eager beavers. As the saying goes, "The early bird catches the worm." Hmm...what the heck! I might as well consider taking that to heart also. Who knows I might catch something even bigger and better than a lousy worm.
Watching UAAP games live is always a delight! Aside from being a self-confessed basketball afficionado, or a diehard fanatic if you will, you've got that whole school spirit vibe going on, which makes things sort of different and a little more interesting; perhaps, even more special. Cheesy as it may sound but it's true. Cheering for your school is different from cheering for like say, your favorite NBA team (Go Spurs!) or PBA team (Go SMB!). The latter doesn't involve school pride or anything like it at all. There's nothing like the feeling of being able to cheer your heart out - until your voice rans out, until your hands hurt from clapping or until your head hurts - for your school's team although I must say, the rivalry and all the jeering can be pretty tough and serious at times. I guess that's all part of the hype, psych and let us not forget, the game. Seeing the guy you are crushing on (by the way, my sister has a huge crush on him too!) and having to watch the game inches (okay okay, a couple of meters!) apart is always a plus also! Since my sisters are all from the Blue School somewhere along Katipunan, I would usually tag along to the Blue Eagles games. Needless to say, I always find myself caught in between the Blue and White shirted people. Indeed, I am a brave soul. Perhaps, the only brave soul to sport a shocking green top and sing the DLSU anthem all the way (win or lose!) especially during the few and "lucky" times we were able to score tickets of ADMU and DLSU games (Thanks to Auntie Natty!). As it is common knowledge, scoring tickets to ADMU and DLSU games is like finding a needle in the haystack; really, you'll never know when you'll strike lucky. Nevertheless, it is always fun and exciting to watch UAAP games regardless of where your school stands in the rankings and on whose side you are on. I would like to believe that in between school colors, there exists an invisible bond amongst us - whether or not we know about it and whether or not we like it. So once again, here I am in between school colors with much respect for the other schools, our "friendly foes" as I would like to call them and more importantly, silently beaming with much pride knowing that deep down I am loud and proud to have the true heart of a Green Archer, and nobody can take that away from me. Animo La Salle! =)
Watching UAAP games live is always a delight! Aside from being a self-confessed basketball afficionado, or a diehard fanatic if you will, you've got that whole school spirit vibe going on, which makes things sort of different and a little more interesting; perhaps, even more special. Cheesy as it may sound but it's true. Cheering for your school is different from cheering for like say, your favorite NBA team (Go Spurs!) or PBA team (Go SMB!). The latter doesn't involve school pride or anything like it at all. There's nothing like the feeling of being able to cheer your heart out - until your voice rans out, until your hands hurt from clapping or until your head hurts - for your school's team although I must say, the rivalry and all the jeering can be pretty tough and serious at times. I guess that's all part of the hype, psych and let us not forget, the game. Seeing the guy you are crushing on (by the way, my sister has a huge crush on him too!) and having to watch the game inches (okay okay, a couple of meters!) apart is always a plus also! Since my sisters are all from the Blue School somewhere along Katipunan, I would usually tag along to the Blue Eagles games. Needless to say, I always find myself caught in between the Blue and White shirted people. Indeed, I am a brave soul. Perhaps, the only brave soul to sport a shocking green top and sing the DLSU anthem all the way (win or lose!) especially during the few and "lucky" times we were able to score tickets of ADMU and DLSU games (Thanks to Auntie Natty!). As it is common knowledge, scoring tickets to ADMU and DLSU games is like finding a needle in the haystack; really, you'll never know when you'll strike lucky. Nevertheless, it is always fun and exciting to watch UAAP games regardless of where your school stands in the rankings and on whose side you are on. I would like to believe that in between school colors, there exists an invisible bond amongst us - whether or not we know about it and whether or not we like it. So once again, here I am in between school colors with much respect for the other schools, our "friendly foes" as I would like to call them and more importantly, silently beaming with much pride knowing that deep down I am loud and proud to have the true heart of a Green Archer, and nobody can take that away from me. Animo La Salle! =)
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