Friday, January 13, 2012
I would like to share what this work week has taught me...
The problem lies in our complicating our already complicated problem by trying to find complicated solutions to our complicated problems. See how complicated that sounded? And redundant too!
The problem lies in our complicating our already complicated problem by trying to find complicated solutions to our complicated problems. See how complicated that sounded? And redundant too!
I think we get so lost in our problems that sometimes, we fail to see the answer that is already right in front of us. We become too engrossed with our search for grande answers and end up with even more problems! Go figure. And so, we gotta learn to step back and filter. Most importantly remember to keep it simple, stupid. Surprising as it may sound, the answer/s to our problem/s need not be complicated. At all. Sometimes, it really is as simple as 1 + 1 = 2! Really.
And so, I end the week tired but victorious. For now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed until Monday. I hope there'll be no more follow-up questions. After a week's worth of brain crunching and some CSI, I finally solved my work problem. Phew! Whatta work week it has been. I must've burned a whole lot of mental calories by now. Sigh if only mental calories burned real fat, I'd be Victoria Secret model thin already. Wahaha. Oh well time to relax now and gotta replenish and/or repair me some lost brain cells. Lol.
TGIF y'all.
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