Thursday, January 26, 2012

It is such a huge relief, for once, to NOT feel the need to prove myself.

Through the years and after many many not so good experiences, I've learned to just let go, to let things and/or people be. Well, sometimes. I try to choose my battles now. And I choose wisely, I try. I've realized that I don't really have to explain myself all the time. I've come to terms with the fact that I don't always need to have an explanation or a counter argument every single time. Because the truth of the matter is, whatever your track record, whatever you do, good or bad, people will always have something negative to say.

Guitar Hero

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hmm gotta practice some more of that eye contact-ing. I need to muster enough courage to look you straight in the eye. Sigh if only I were as confident as I am at stalking then I wouldn't feel like such a total loser dork anymore.

And so my takeaway from today...

White Elephants

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yep work happened. Again. I learned about some serious shit today. WTH? The coming days (or weeks) should be "interesting". Oh. Crap.

Happy CNY!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Thank God for long weekends! Kung Hei Fat Choi everyone! May the Year of the Dragon be very good and generous to all of us.

Style Lovin'

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Chica Celebrity: Olivia Palermo


Beautiful (Part 2)

Friday, January 20, 2012's all about good genes c/o "the" parents.  Orlando Bloom and Victoria Secret model Miranda Kerr's baby is uber cute. Gigil! Click for larger image.

F Fried

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Shit happens. No. Work happened. 

On a lighter note...

Monday, January 16, 2012


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sometimes we should just go for it. ASK. Of course, there is the fear (and huge possibility!) of looking stupid or of rejection, but how else would we know for sure if we don't ask? It can rather be very disappointing to live in what ifs. More so, in not knowing the could have beens just because we were too afraid to ask.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Friday, January 13, 2012

I would like to share what this work week has taught me...

The problem lies in our complicating our already complicated problem by trying to find complicated solutions to our complicated problems. See how complicated that sounded? And redundant too!

I think we get so lost in our problems that sometimes, we fail to see the answer that is already right in front of us. We become too engrossed with our search for grande answers and end up with even more problems! Go figure. And so, we gotta learn to step back and filter. Most importantly remember to keep it simple, stupid. Surprising as it may sound, the answer/s to our problem/s need not be complicated. At all. Sometimes, it really is as simple as 1 + 1 = 2! Really. 

And so, I end the week tired but victorious. For now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed until Monday. I hope there'll be no more follow-up questions. After a week's worth of brain crunching and some CSI, I finally solved my work problem. Phew! Whatta work week it has been. I must've burned a whole lot of mental calories by now. Sigh if only mental calories burned real fat, I'd be Victoria Secret model thin already. Wahaha. Oh well time to relax now and gotta replenish and/or repair me some lost brain cells. Lol. 

TGIF y'all.

Sixteen Candles

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sixteen Candles (1984) is one of those movies that never grows old on me. I tell ya the last scene at the church never fails to make me kilig all over (with If You Were Here playing in the background). Heck, it's the most kilig movie scene. Eveeer. Although the fashion sense wasn't exactly "fasyon" (hehe), Jake (played by Michael Schoeffling) is soooo cute, he's so my type! *Sigh*  

Monday, January 09, 2012


Friday, January 06, 2012

Dear SmartBro,

Why yo' so slow?! I don't mean to be a hater but bro (no pun intended), you seriously. Ugh. Sometimes I just want to throw you out of the window. Can't wait to replace you. Kthnxbuhye.

No Love,

Baby Rafa

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

I can't think of a better way to start the year than to welcome the newest member of our family...Rafael Victor Sy Lee. Love love love! He's such a cutie and I'm not biased at all ha, really. Heehee. Proud auntie? Present!! :P And I tell you he just might have a future at basketball (although ze grandpa already wants to train him in golf). Meanwhile, ze yaya says his height/length is like most one month olds. Hello look at those long limbs?! Most importantly though, I thank God that my sister and nephew are both healthy and well.

Happy 2012 boys and girls! May all our inner awesomeness shine this year. Let's start working on those positive vibes, shall we? ;)