Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I'm a sucker for rainbows. I loooooove rainbows. It never fails to make my day. Rainbows are a rare sight and most of the time, you'd have to really pay attention and look up the skies to catch one, otherwise you'll miss it. A rainbow to me is a good sign. From the story of Noah's Ark, did you know that after the floods, the first rainbow appeared and it symbolized a new beginning and a promise by God that he would never do a similar thing again. And thus, people of our time now see the rainbow as a symbol of hope.
I saw one on my way home today from work.

It had a full arc by the time we got to Edsa. So nice! :)))

Hmmm...I wonder how many motorists out there noticed the rainbow as well. I guess only those who bothered to look up.
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