Saturday, February 06, 2010
With the exception of David Beckham, I'm really not a big fan of long haired guys. I also don't get the fuss over those metrosexual/cover/pretty/girly boys. They just have zero appeal on me. I prefer the athletic/sporty boys. I like the laid back and funny ones - with a sense of humility and a hint of shyness to them. A really nice and sweet and honest to goodness straight-up guy with a rockin' sense of humor scores serious major points on my books. And oh! I want MAN-ly guys. However, this one Jonas brother is kinda growing on me. He's so not my usual type. Me thinks this is only more like a tiny and fleeting crush of mine. Teeheehee. Hmmm...whatcha think?

I kinda liked the glasses. It worked for me. Hihihi! :D
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