Sunday, March 23, 2008
I'll be officially part of the work force again starting tomorrow. By my standards though, I really think I could use another week's worth of R & R (hehe). I guess I do have to get back to reality - well eventually. Besides, I don't want to be the subject of my parents' nagging. So yeah...I think I'm all set and ready. I feel kinda nervous though because of the fear of the unknown and unfamiliar. I hope everything goes well. I'm feeling optimistic. Wish me luck.
Off topics:
- I attended my college friend's wedding this morning. It is probably the shortest wedding ever. It started 9 am and ended 12 pm. If you ask me, I'd also opt for the simple and no fuss wedding. I'd rather spend on my honeymoon. It's more logical and practical that way. I may enjoy weddings but attending weddings of friends and classmates make me feel old and nostalgic. I don't think it has really sunk in yet (feeling young pa kasi ako) that we've already reached that stage - yup that stage when it's now our turn to walk down the aisle of marital bliss or doom; whichever way you'd want to put it. I'd like to see myself more of an idealist though so I believe in marital bliss. The father-bride and mother-groom dance was very emotional and touching. Nakakaiyak. Kung ako rin yun, malamang iiyak din ako.
- What was supposed to be just an exhibition game (for charity) between Ateneo and La Salle turned out to be a good one. I was expecting the players to play halfheartedly but they didn't. It would've been better though if they pushed to OT. Nevertheless, I think we got our tickets' worth. Nothing beats cheering for school pride!
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