Wednesday, February 06, 2008
"The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become."
Charles Du Bos takes full aim at the infamous "comfort zone", wherein we may not like where we are, and we might even grumble about it, but we choose to hang on to what we know rather than take a leap forward into uncertainty. Yet it is only in letting go of that we have that we can grab hold of what we might become. Better. Kinder. Happier. More successful. Healthier. More self-confident. Whatever transformation we wish to make, we must first leave behind the old before becoming the new.
I finally did it! I guess this is it. There's no turning back now. It was a hard thing to do but you gotta do what you gotta do, right? I had to remove whatever emotional attachment I have for this company and its people just so I could follow through. At the end of it all, I don’t want to look back with regrets for not having had the guts to pursue greater goals for myself. More so, I’m single and I'm young albeit not getting any younger anymore (lol!) and so if any, now is the best time to take risks and explore new things. Opportunities do not present itself often so I do not want to let this one pass just because of mixed emotions and whatever fears of uncertainty that I may have. Despite all the doubts and hesitations, I believe that moving on will do me more good than harm. 3 years is 3 years but maybe moving out of my comfort zone is exactly what I need now. Hey change can be a good thing too, you know.
Charles Du Bos takes full aim at the infamous "comfort zone", wherein we may not like where we are, and we might even grumble about it, but we choose to hang on to what we know rather than take a leap forward into uncertainty. Yet it is only in letting go of that we have that we can grab hold of what we might become. Better. Kinder. Happier. More successful. Healthier. More self-confident. Whatever transformation we wish to make, we must first leave behind the old before becoming the new.
I finally did it! I guess this is it. There's no turning back now. It was a hard thing to do but you gotta do what you gotta do, right? I had to remove whatever emotional attachment I have for this company and its people just so I could follow through. At the end of it all, I don’t want to look back with regrets for not having had the guts to pursue greater goals for myself. More so, I’m single and I'm young albeit not getting any younger anymore (lol!) and so if any, now is the best time to take risks and explore new things. Opportunities do not present itself often so I do not want to let this one pass just because of mixed emotions and whatever fears of uncertainty that I may have. Despite all the doubts and hesitations, I believe that moving on will do me more good than harm. 3 years is 3 years but maybe moving out of my comfort zone is exactly what I need now. Hey change can be a good thing too, you know.
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