Saturday, September 08, 2007
I have a lot on my mind right now. My thoughts seem to be working overtime these past couple of days – weeks even.
Shit happened. I wasn’t really blind sighted. In fact, I sort of saw it coming and did my best to deal albeit my best wasn’t good enough. Oh well shit happens. So what else is new?
On the other end, I’m wishing for a couple of things to happen that well, unfortunately didn’t. If only I knew how or where to start or if I really could, I would’ve probably already made it happen by now. Ha! yeah right. (Chicken!).
So there goes my thinking plate. It’s overflowing with a good mix of intelligent, meaningful, trivial and senseless thoughts – nothing that I can’t handle though. In fairness, yakang-yaka naman (hehe).
My game plan as of the moment is to temporarily detach myself from my thoughts. I don’t think I want to think about things right now. Sheesh, you see my point? (Oops! - no pun intended) I did it again just right now. Thinking too much, that is. Having two think’s in a sentence isn’t a good start (hehe). I have to detach myself because I don’t want to overanalyze things. Well it’s more like I have to stop overanalyzing things. Heck, some things may not even mean or worth anything at all. So I'm going to take a hiatus from too much thinking. I have to. Believe me, sometimes too much thinking doesn't help solve anything at all.
The more important matter is I don’t want to succumb to the pressures imposed by whatever thing/event/norm/belief/person/s. I don’t want to pressure myself either. Again, it’s more like I have to learn to stop pressuring myself too much. I need to give myself a break. I have to.
So basta steady lang. I’m just going to take it easy. I'm going to blow up my salbabida, go with the flow, enjoy the ride and see where the tide takes me.
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