Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I have my issues. You have your issues. We all have our own issues to deal with. There are different ways of coping and I don't think resorting to anger is one of them - definitely not. I can't seem to fathom how some people couldn't seem to control their anger, how they are consumed by so much anger and even rage in extreme cases. These people have very short fuses that anything can and will tick them off. More often than not, you would've to tread on thin ice around these people. They couldn't and wouldn't accept any criticism. It's their way or the highway. Everything will have to depend on their mood swings. Just imagine a light switch and that's literally how fast they go on and off. It scares me to think of the things that these people are capable of doing if and when the time comes that they could no longer control their anger, when they become blinded by so much anger, when rage becomes them. Maybe it's a psychological problem? I wouldn't really know. I couldn't understand either how some people could get so enrage that they seem to lose it altogether. You can no longer knock any sense into them. Anger distorts thinking. Anger makes you say and do hurtful and stupid things. Anger makes you deviate from the real issue at hand. Anger is like opening Pandora's Box, all hell breaks loose. Yeah sure, anger is an emotion, it's something that we feel whether we like it or not. We are after all, emotional beings. However let us not forget that we too are intellectual beings capable of rational thinking, of controlling our emotions and responses to any given situation - it is precisely what separates us from our cats and dogs. Things will go wrong. Things will not always go our way, or as planned or expected. So deal. Count 1 to 100 if you have to! It doesn't give you the right though to lash out on other people. We are all but in the same boat. You feel misunderstood? So does every freaking single person in this planet! So grow up and deal. I've always been a firm believer of diplomacy. Anger should (at least) be the last resort. Anger should not even be an option to begin with. For instance, powerful leaders of small and big nations alike would know that it is but common sense to exhaust all means and venues possible peacefully before even thinking about going to war. Otherwise, it will create serious repercussions and consequences in the international community. They will have to be answerable to everyone as mutual understanding, trust, respect and support will begin to falther along the way. There is absolutely nothing positive in anger. Anger only begets resentment, hate and hurt. Just as in war, there are only losers. To make it even more plain and easy, how could a simple businessman with anger management issues manage his people if he couldn't and wouldn't even control himself? How would he expect his people to respect him and to cooperate? Fear will never earn you respect. How would you expect to get your message across? How would you expect people to understand you? How would you expect people to be sympathetic towards you? I've always tried to tolerate people with anger management issues but I can only take so much. There comes a point when enough is enough. Letting them just be for the sake of maintaining harmonious relationships would just encourage repetitive destructive behavior. I believe that change should come from within but of course, they can always opt to seek for professional or spiritual help anytime. They might also want to try yoga. Who knows, they might find the inner peace that they've been looking for all this time in between stretches and meditations.
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