Monday, December 13, 2004
Last Saturday, we finally had our defense. It feels like a huge relief to have everything over and done with. I can finally take a breather and in the meantime, not worry about anything. It feels even better because the grade we got wasn’t that bad at all. To say the least, it was a little more than what we expected. At least, all the hard work paid off! Overall, the defense went pretty well although on my part, I wish I could have done or handled things differently. I also believe we could have done better. Nonetheless, we couldn’t have asked for more. We weren’t expecting for things to play out the way they did and it certainly was a pleasant surprise. In the process of doing our thesis, we encountered a couple of hitches. Going into the defense, we had a lot of reservations and worries. What if we couldn’t finish our presentation in 20 minutes, what if the panelists weren’t as kind or what if they’d ask us difficult questions or what if our company rep didn’t think our service plan was good enough…well, you get the point (hehe). To cut the long story short, our company rep was all praises to our surprise (Thank God!). More than anything else, what matters most is what the company rep has to say about our paper. As the marketing professors would always tell us, as long as the company rep thinks the paper is good, whatever the other panelists has to say wouldn't matter as much anymore. I can’t believe we have finally finished our last term in DLSU. It hasn’t really sunk in yet though. It still feels all surreal.
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