Saturday, May 27, 2006
Laughter is the best medicine. It really is. When the going gets tough, when everything seems to go wrong and when all else fails, sometimes it does help to just laugh it off rather than overanalyzing or over rationalizing things. I guess it's okay to laugh at my own faults and kapalpakan(s) or even after making a complete fool out of myself. I guess it's better to laugh at an utterly embarrassing moment or at those diyahe and awkward moments. Taking things too seriously, as how most of us would usually react, wouldn't necessarily help alleviate the situation. Worrying over and over again wouldn't actually help either. Unless you are this highly gifted person who can turn back time, which I highly doubt, there's no point in crying over spilled milk. Sometimes it's better to just be yourself and act or look silly rather than trying to impress other people by trying too damn hard to act and look "cool." Sablay na kung sablay! Enough of the pagpapa-impress crap. Doesn't laughing make you feel light and easy? It makes you feel good. It makes you feel better on bad days that seem to drag on. Have you ever thought about how laughter has the power to connect us to each other? They say, "Laughter is the shortest distance between two people." It's a starting point for strangers and acquaintances alike. It's a common ground for extremely different people, for people of different ages, for people from different walks of life. It's like a safety net for people who are na-diya-diyahe with each other. It's like a ceasefire for people who are at odds with each other. It's like a familiar song for friends and family. It's like therapy for the problematic people (drinking aside, corny jokes are your best weapons). It's like band-aid for the hurt and wounded. It's like the sound of music for the sad and lonely. It's like a comfort blanket for the hopeless. It can be a very good icebreaker for whatever occasion or situation. Laughter is free and unlimited. It's good for the heart, mind and soul, so why don't we laugh more often?