My First Job Interview

Monday, January 10, 2005

I had my very first job interview today. I actually didn't expect it to be this soon but it certainly was a pleasant surprise. I received an unexpected call from Monde Nissin Saturday afternoon informing me of an opening in trade marketing. I e-mailed my resume the day before not knowing that there was actually a job opening. I was thinking I must just as well e-mail my resume just in case. I have nothing to lose anyway. The interview went pretty well. It was okay. I was surprisingly calm. I didn't feel intimidated or anything. I wasn't excited nor was I anxious. As in wala lang...I was more like N.R. siguro (hehe). It was only towards the latter part of the interview that the HR person gave a more detailed description of the trade marketing position. It was far from what I thought the job would be. Trade what comes to mind? I initially thought it would involve handling the company's imports and exports accounts. From what I've understand now, it turns out though that it involves handling the company's below-the-line marketing which means having to supervise and check the company's products all over Metro Manila (And when I asked how far, as far as Cavite daw - LOL! I was thinking Paranaque or Alabang and I already wasn't willing to go that far). From time to time, work would also have to start very early in the morning (roughly around 5 to 6 am) and end late at night. And did I mention that there's whole day work in Monde Nissin every Saturday? If only the job position was one that I really like, I was even willing to give up my Saturdays. Unfortunately, I don't think the job position is for me. Honestly, I was a little disappointed. However, I came into the interview already prepared for whatever the outcome may be. Ultimately in the end, if it's really not meant to be...why force it?

Where's My Driver's License?

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Grrr! I just realized that I lost my driver’s license. I just had it renewed last August. Hassle! I perfectly remembered the time when I had it renewed. Let’s just say that the LTO needs to do some serious revamping – major overhaul is more like it. I believe that the process of applying and renewing licenses should be made more “customer” friendly or as in this case, driver friendly (?). We shouldn’t be put through the tedious process of applying and having to wait for long hours. To think it’s only the renewing of driver’s license. What more when applying for a new driver’s license? I’ve gone to the LTO to apply for a student’s permit, driver’s license and to renew my driver’s license. In all three occasions, it’s so hassle. There was quite a number of applicants and worse, the people behind LTO are so inefficient (so slow!). Not that I drive anyway (hehe). In fact, I don’t really drive which is precisely why from the time I renewed my license in August, it’s only now (January na!) that I realized I’ve lost my license na pala. I actually had no plans of even renewing my license after all my dad wouldn’t allow me to drive anyway. He’d always tell us (my sisters also) that he’d let us drive but we have to keep on practicing. Hmmm…we’ve been practicing for how many “years” na kaya? I lost track already. So when I told my mom that I lost my license and had no plans of applying again because it’s so hassle and I don’t really drive naman talaga, lo and behold! my mom said that I need my driver’s license because I would have to drive na rin daw soon. Take note: “soon” daw (haha yeah right!). Hello?! May I just say that my student’s permit and driver’s license expired already and I’ve driven the car twice only outside the village (with the driver in the passenger seat pa yun ah). We used to always have debates with my dad. The subject of the debate allow us to drive. So since it didn’t look like my dad was going to allow us to drive any soon, I pretty much dropped the subject. With all the traffic, wreckless drivers who by the way think they're the kings of the road (special mention: jeepney, taxi and bus drivers), limited parking space, and with La Salle so far away (although I'm finished with school already), who would want to drive anyway? (hehe). Nevertheless, my main reason really why I wanted to drive na is so that I wouldn't have to depend on the driver all the time (right, right?!).

Selling the Drama

Friday, January 07, 2005

Life’s complicated – that’s a given. However, we make it even more complicated by wanting more. Man is insatiable. No matter how good life has been, we always ask for more, some more, and even more. How come we never pay attention anymore to the positive aspect of our lives or of what’s left of it? We’re too busy ranting, whining and complaining to even bother. It’s as if life has become an unrelenting saga overflowing with drama. It’s as if we’re trapped in some second-rate cheesy telenovela or soap opera. What’s with all the drama anyway? Have we already forgotten how to laugh every now and then? Perhaps this is a reason why happiness is so hard to come by these days. Temporary happiness? Still possible. Maybe. But real and long lasting happiness? I don’t think so. To keep us sane or of what’s left of our sanity, why not learn to laugh back at life instead? We’ve got to bring back the humor in life. In this day of age, I’m sorry to break it to you but there’s no more room for drama queens. There’s way too much drama in this world. Yes, we’ve got to cut the crap. If you don’t want to be eaten alive in this survival of the fittest world, we’ve got to stop all the drama and move on. Life isn’t a bed of roses or so I’ve been told, so get over it. Be contented. Learn to appreciate what you have then life would probably be much simpler and more so, we’d all be happier and all smiles now.

Healthier Options

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I’m so stuffed right now. It's my sister's birthday today so we had dinner in Makati Shangri La’s Circles. Nice place, good food. The place was unexpectedly quite full – well, for a weekday anyway. I’ve been eating to my heart's delight for the past few weeks or so and I rarely even run the treadmill anymore. FYI: I used to religiously run the treadmill for at least an hour to sometimes even 3 hours everyday. Heck! I was even enrolled in Fitness First Eastwood. Blame it on the so-called hectic schedule that I have in school or perhaps on sheer laziness (guilty!). Now that the holiday season is over and after constant reaffirmations of my new year’s resolution of healthy eating combined with daily exercise, I unsurprisingly find myself nowhere near the realization of my new year’s resolution (so what else is new? hehe). I haven’t got or hopped on the treadmill nor have I started eating healthily. Case in point is the alarmingly (hehe O.A. ba?) recurring takeouts in McDonalds (how can you resist their fries and chocolate sundae?) and KFC for lunch (their Go-go Dragon is yummy!). It also doesn't help at all that I have a sweet tooth. I just love desserts. To make matters worse, I’ve been sitting my butt off for the entirety of the day in front of either the computer (job hunting!) or TV (with The O.C. and One Tree Hill marathons) for the past three days. Although if I were to think about it, I really haven’t even had a week’s vacation - not including the holiday season - ever since school finished (Give me a break will you?). Technically speaking, I’m just on my 3rd day of vacation. Actually, I’m on a self-proclaimed vacation right now until further notice (wahaha). Since I have so much time in my hands right now and might I just add matter of factly I’m still very much into the job process, I’ve vowed to make the treadmill my best friend from here on out. I want to be fit not for any other reason but for myself to feel good and above all, for better health. Nothing but healthier options for me from now onwards and hopefully into the future. (Wish me luck! ;))

Makati Shangri La, Circles Posted by Hello